The Class Struggle in France
Maurizio Lazzarato
Earth Uprisings
Les Soulèvements de la Terre and Kristin Ross
New Heroes
Franco "Bifo" Berardi
Through the Looking Glass
Serene Richards
Revenge, Resistance, Redemption
Fayer Collective
Zapatista Autonomy: A Destituent Experiment?
Jérôme Baschet
A Common Horizon for Situated Struggles
Kristin Ross
A Letter to Our American Cousins
Cop Cities, Mock Cities
Stuart Schrader
The Sun Rises from the South
Maya Ayoub
Done and to Do
Maria Kakogianni
We Wanted to Destroy the University
Ben Morea
Heresy and History
Raoul Vaneigem
Class Struggle, Autonomy, and the State in Iran
Arya Zahedi
Welcome to the Anderscene
Jacob Blumenfeld
Beyond Hope
Adam Greenfield
Life of Militancy: Japan’s Long ’68
Sabu Kohso
The Strategy of Separation
Michele Garau
Freedom and Joy with Uma Kiwe
Mother Earth Liberation Process
Liberal Infernos
Ian Alan Paul
First We Take Columbia
Addicted to Losing
States of Siege
How it all Began: The Strasbourg Theses
Moses Dobruška
Between the Sea and the Security Fence
Ian Alan Paul
The Movement of Refusal
Mikkel Bolt Rasmussen
Breaking the Waves
Nicolò Molinari
"There's Nothing Left to Loot"
Djimi Diallo
Human Law and Divine Law (Reflections on a Recent Manifesto)
Bernard Aspe
Twelve Hypotheses about Counter-power
Colectivo Situaciones
Impossible Life
Marquis Bey
Blood, Flowers, and Pool Parties
S. Prasad
The Strategy of Composition
Hugh Farrell
Come Home Now
Ateronhiatakon Francis Boots
Work and Revolt at Brazil’s Dead End
Militants in the Fog
Nomads of the Body to Come
k. kodama
Lines of Escape: Gilles Deleuze's Encounter with George Jackson
Michelle Koerner
Theory of Bloom
Gimme Danger
P.M.A. Gittlitz & J.F.
The Hold of Slavery
Saidiya Hartman
Decisions that Define Us: Between State and Communal Politics
Vilma Almendra
We Have to Break Bourgeois Right
Alain Badiou
Paper Planes
S. Prasad
Ecosystems of Revolt
Peter Gelderloos
Preliminaries to any Struggle against Prisons
Dirty Work: Chuang on China, Communism, and Social Contagion
New Battlefields
Phil Neel
Vandalizing the Subject
Ulysse Carrière
On Destituent Power
Mario Tronti
bell hooks and Wayward Immobility
Meredith Lee
The Question Concerning Cosmology
Robert Hurley
Escape from New York
Jarrod Shanahan
Talk Amongst Yourselves: From White Guilt to Race Traitors
City Inhospitable
We Outside: The Washington Square Parties of 2021
A.M. & A.K.
Race and Organization after the George Floyd Uprising
Notes on Ungovernable Life
Ian Alan Paul
Sideshows and Wayward Lives
Jackson and Nevada
The Kazakh Insurrection
Kenosha, I do Mind Dying
Perish and Return: For Clark
Among Friends: Reflections After the George Floyd Uprising
The Original Infamy: Three Texts by Lea Melandri
Lea Melandri
Winston Smith and the Spirit of the George Floyd Uprising
Shemon and Arturo
The Centrality of Conflict
Francesc & El Quico
There Are No Metropolitan Revolts, only Revolts Against the Metropolis
Nocturnal Council
Frédéric Neyrat
Labor Value and Labor as Value
Temps Critiques
Weapons and Ethics
Adrian Wohllbeben
Conspiracy and Social Struggle
Wu Ming
Vital Cells
Kevin Suemnicht
Downtown Fucked: Reflections on the Nashville Explosion
Wang Nangxian & Paul Torino
Anarcho-Blackness: A Conversation with Marquis Bey
Marquis Bey
Manifesto for the Abolition of the Police
Quarantine Letters
Plantocracy and Communism
Fred Moten and Stefano Harney
Apocalypse and Survival
Francesco Santini
If We Burn, You Burn With US
Deconstructing Anarchy
Donatella Di Cesare
The Analytic Philosophy of Politics
Michel Foucault
Statues and Reclaiming Space-Time
Seven Theses on Destitution
Kiersten Solt
The Saved Commune
Marcello Tarì
"Beautiful Like an Impure Insurrection"
The Invisible Committee
Memes Without End
Adrian Wohlleben
Self-Help for Revolutionaries
Welcome to the Party: The George Floyd Uprising in NYC
New York Post-Left
Theses on the Sudan Commune
The Coming Insurrection
The Invisible Committee
Fire to the Houseprojects! A Manifesto for Berlin
Letter to Michael Reinoehl
Idris Robinson
Missed Insurrections
Virality: Against a Standard Unit of Life
Sonali Gupta and H. Bolin
Re-attachments: Toward an Ecology of Presence
The Swarm Approach to Warfare: an Introduction for Frontliners
As Free as Blackness Will Make Them
Frank B. Wilderson, III
Six Destituent Theses
Rodrigo Karmy
The Trickster Insurrection
Emanuele E. Pelilli
Imaginary Enemies: Myth and Abolition in the Minneapolis Rebellion
Cars, Riots, and Black Liberation
Shemon & Arturo
Life, War, and Politics: After the George Floyd Rebellion
The Vitalist International
At the Wendy’s
Armed Struggle at the End of the World
Rhythm and Ritual: Composing Movement in Portland’s 2020
The Return of John-Brown: White Race-Traitors in the 2020 Uprising
Shemon & Arturo
How it Might Should be Done
Idris Robinson
Iraq: From Riot to Impossible Reform
Tristan Leoni
The Rise of Black Counter-Insurgency
On the Black Leadership and Other White Myths
We Still Outside Collective
The Anarchy of Beginnings: Notes on the Rhythmicity of Revolt
Rodrigo Karmy Bolton
The Eternal Return of Revolt
A Conversation with Richard Gilman-Opalsky
Ser Agua Iniciar Incendios – Mensaje de la rebelión en Minneapolis
Be Water, Set Fire: Dispatch from the Rebellion in Minneapolis
Theses on the George Floyd Rebellion
Shemon and Arturo
Summer in Smoke: On the Hong Kong Uprising
The Vitalist International
For the Love of Winning: An Open Letter to Extinction Rebellion
John Jordan
Meme con la Forza. Lezioni dai Gilet Gialli
Paul Torino and Adrian Wohlleben
Durchschlagende Memes
Paul Torino and Adrian Wohlleben
The Long 1960’s and the ‘Wind from the West’
Kristin Ross
Anarcho-Surrealism in Chicago
Insurrectional Anarchism – a Reader
Living with Guerilla Warfare
Lucio Castellano
Memes with Force: Lessons from the Yellow Vests
Paul Torino and Adrian Wohlleben
The Ultimate Dilemma
Interview with Ben Morea
Full Metal Yellow Jacket
Alèssi Dell’Umbria
Alcoholics Autonomous: Addiction and Sobriety Beyond Recovery
Jack Fontanill
Oaths of Blood, Oaths of Water
Phil. A. Neel
The Next Eclipse
Beyond the Sad Comforts & Stale Air of Radicalism
Nick Montgomery and carla bergman
Blackstone Rangers: A U.S. Experiment Using ‘Gangs’ to Repress Black Community Rebellion
J. Sakai
There is no Unhappy Revolution
Marcello Tarì
A Crime Called Freedom
Os Cangaceiros
The Wisdom of Rioters
The Invisible Committee
Yes, And: Results from the North American Contagious Antagonisms Inquiry
Communiqués from Chicagoiguala
Semillas Autónomas
The Suspension of Historical Time
Furio Jesi
Introduction to Civil War
Sonogram of a Potential
First Revolutionary Measures
Eric Hazan and Kamo
Critical Metaphysics as a Science of Apparatuses
10 Preliminary Theses on Resistance
Ian Alan Paul
To Our Friends
The Invisible Committee
War in the Streets
Tactical Lessons from the Global Civil War
Dispatches from Standing Rock
Against the Dakota Access Pipeline and its World
The Great Game of Civil War
La position du laissé-pour-compte
Saidiya V. Hartman, Frank B. Wilderson, III
All this Burning Earth
Selected Writings of Sean Bonney
Callout for a Weekend of Actions Against Police Weaponry
October 25, 2015
A No Borders Manifesto
No Borders UK
Malevolent Europe: Regarding Refugee Oppression and Resistance at the Borders
Communiqué from an Absent Future: the End of Student Life
Kriminelle Queers unterstützen die Rebellen der Ohlauer
Einige Anmerkungen zum Bedarf nach offenen Versammlungen in Berlin
Hausprojekte abfackeln! Ein Manifest für Berlin
Deleuze, Active Nihilism, and Revolt
The Prison Slave as Hegemony’s Silent Scandal
Black Nihilism and the Politics of Hope
Calvin Warren
An unsere Freunde
Unsichtbares Komitee
Spread Anarchy, Live Communism
The Invisible Committee
Calvin Warren
‘We’re Trying to Destroy the World’ – Anti-Blackness and Police Violence After Ferguson
Frank B. Wilderson III
Some Remarks on the Need for Open Assemblies in Berlin
Anonymous, 2013
Criminal Queers Support Ohlauer Rebels
Anonymous, 2014
Inkognito: Erfahrungen der Verbannung
Against Innocence
Jackie Wang
Women, Witchhunts, and the Reproduction of the Capitalist World
Silvia Federici
The Black Liberation Army & the Paradox of Political Engagement
Frank B. Wilderson, III
Bringt eure Toten raus
The Paris Commune
Various, 2013
Escalating Identity: Die Politik der Sicherheit, staatliche Aneignung & Aktivismus gegen Unterdrückung
Kommuniqué aus einer ausbleibenden Zukunft